Deliver relevant, personalized, and consistent messages across the customer journey.

People are consuming media across more devices than ever before, which makes delivering a consistent brand experience increasingly difficult. That’s where Adbrain comes in. Adbrain empowers you to solve for this fragmentation by unifying varied quality data sources so that you can focus on targeting the person, not just their device.

By applying Adbrain’s solution across your campaigns, you can:

  • Reach valuable customers across all touchpoints: Achieve greater scale across audience targeting strategies by expanding reach to consumers’ phones, laptops, or connected TVs.
  • Drive more efficient marketing spend: Gain visibility into the entire consumer journey to focus your budget where it has the most impact.
  • Tell a consistent brand story: Deliver a more consistent and relevant experience across all touchpoints to avoid fragmented messaging.


Adbrain uses machine learning algorithms to contextualize unstructured data points across devices, people, and households – achieving both broad coverage and a clear view of your target audience’s behavior. With a multidimensional approach to identity, it’s easier than ever to compare patterns across people, places, and things.

Use Cases

From targeting users to measuring advertising’s impact across the full customer journey, Adbrain’s comprehensive view of identity gives you the power to uncover insights and increase performance throughout your campaign.

Target Audiences Across Daily Touchpoints

  • Retargeting: Turn on cross-device targeting to reach your audience everywhere — from desktop computers and mobile devices to in-app, mobile web, and across browsers.
  • Audience Extension: Extend reach to your most valuable audiences by up to 4x. For example, if you have an audience of app downloaders, you can now reach them across both mobile and desktop web environments.
  • Universal Frequency Capping: Apply a frequency cap for each unique user — not just each device. Without cross-device targeting turned on, you could be oversaturating users with ads.

Measure the Full Customer Journey

  • Path to Conversion/Attribution: Capture conversions you would have otherwise missed — such as when your mobile audiences take an action back on their desktop computer.
  • Unique Reach and Frequency: Attain true reach and avoid device overlap. Knowing the total unique users reached is crucial to quantifying the impact of your campaigns.
  • In-Store Attribution: When used in conjunction with The Trade Desk’s offline measurement partners, you can capture conversions happening offline — such as an in-store purchase or visit — as a result of an online ad served on any of your audience’s devices.

Contact Us

Interested in activating Adbrain’s solutions across your campaigns? The Adbrain graph is exclusively available in The Trade Desk platform. Contact The Trade Desk team today to get started.